
I am a 51 year old interested in photography, married with 2 children (16 and 15) and in full time employment. I enjoy the technical side of photography including the workflow in post-processing.

My interest in photography really took off  in 2015 when I enrolled on an introductory course at the local Adult Education College. Up until this point I had only been taking holiday and family photos on a compact camera. This was a 5 week evening course and although I also enrolled on the subsequent Level 1 course it was unfortunately cancelled.

Instead I took to YouTube and found a few channels that suited my experience. I have really enjoyed the studying and research aspect, and reached the point where talk of ‘gear’ on YouTube was not inspiring me, so I delved a little deeper and found a channel called ‘Art of Photography’.  This channel contained videos on photography history and how to improve as a photographer by identifying photographers who can influence you and allow you to develop your own style.

This led me to look again at courses online and I found the OCA course which looked like exactly the right content for where I was and the type of thing I wanted to learn more about.

In April 2016 I enrolled with the OCA and began the Level 1 Module ‘Expressing Your Vision’. I completed the module in January 2017 and submitted for assessment in March 2017 where I achieved a Pass (60%).

I currently use a Nikon DSLR D7200 and have a couple of zoom lenses and a 35mm prime lens.