Reflection on Tutor Feedback

My tutor was very positive about my submission and recognised the progress I was making creatively and theoretically. I was pleased as I had put the most work in to this assignment than any of the previous ones. I had tried a number of variations on composition and overlays and I felt I produced something that conveyed my intention.

I sent prints to my tutor and he confirmed they were ok but didn’t need prints for any future assignments. He felt the captions were not necessary as the story can be found within the image. I will remove these from the blog and on the assessment submission prints. I also sent the prints in a mocked up medical folder which my tutor felt was appropriate and worked.

He suggested I adding photographic terminology such as the use of analogue and digital which adds to the nostalgia and use of archive colour slides.

As a result of the feedback I will update the submission text to add the analogue/digital aspect and also remove the captions.

Overall very pleased that I attempted a very personal subject and that it was well received.

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