Critical Essay – Reflection on feedback

My reworked submission can be found here.

These are the notes I made immediately following the feedback session and are included in the feedback report.

• Discussed new approach for students to have input to the feedback form.
• Tutor confirmed no major problems with the essay. Structure was ok.
• I enjoyed the research for the assignment which in fact delayed the submission as I struggled to hone in on clear argument especially fitting it all in to 1000 words. 110% rule would be acceptable for word count.
• Tutor suggested that I expand the Paul Graham reference to add more context. plus add an image of the Beyond Caring series.
• Similar issue for the Henry Peach Robinson reference. I agreed, and although I liked the quote we decided that removing it all together would be best as it related to the Victorian era. I also had other evidence of the skills required to work in colour.
• Discussed Morell’s modernist sensibilities with black and white and the comparison with diCorcia, which I will keep in.
• I gave an overview of my intentions for Assignment 5:
A single, staged, self-portrait with strong ‘Crewdsonesque’ lighting where I am laying on the sofa in a troubled state, wondering about the meaning of life, having long since discarded religion but still wondering whether something spiritual exists that can help you through the tough times. I would dress in my work clothes with a scruffy unshaven look. Props to include a manger, a Bible and Sunday school bookmarks. Lighting equipment LED 150W spotlights and LED panel.
• Final discussion on assessment submission. Initial thoughts are:
Assignment 1: to be blog based (no prints)
Assignment 2: 8 x A4 prints in mocked up medical folder. No title captions.
Assignment 3: eBook. Link available via blog.
Assignment 4: Critical essay pdf on GDrive. Also on blog.
Assignment 5: Plan to produce A3 print with 1-2inch(?) border. This will be dependent on ISO quality achieved for indoor shoot and LED lighting.
• I have a concern that I won’t be submitting many prints for assessment (Only 9 at the moment). Should I consider printing any coursework? Poem exercise? There haven’t been many opportunities to take photos in this module.

I was pleased that there were no glaring issues with my essay. I understood my tutor’s suggestions and we talked through the couple of changes which all made sense. My reworked submission can be found here.

It was good to have a phone conversation as I hadn’t spoken to my Tutor since the feedback session on Assignment 2 back in November 2017. I must admit to preferring the Skype sessions I had with my EYV Tutor but appreciate this does not work for everyone.

We discussed assignment 5 which is progressing well. My tutor listened to my idea and didn’t say too much so it may have sounded ok or awful…not sure which at the moment.

I am assuming my coursework is going ok as I have not had much, if any, feedback on this aspect. One area that I have responded to is the need to follow up on my Tutors research recommendations- Teun Hocks; Red Saunders (Hiding Project) and Duncker’s Hay on the Highway. These three all piqued my interest and I feel these will influence my final submission.

Overall my tutor’s written feedback was very brief but this may have been due to a combination of the assignment type and the fact that we had already talked on the phone about it.


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